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OICED Strategy

Our Strategy

Vision, Mission, Values, Objectives and Goals


Our vision is to see a world where citizens and experts work collaboratively in codesigning and coproducing activities that guarantees sustainable prosperity and development in our communities and the world.


OICED mission is to be a catalyst for global development.

Our Core Values

1) Diversity: We believe in people, and we value people regardless of their age, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and tradition and political affiliations.
2) Dignity and respect: We believe in treating everyone with dignity and respecting their opinions and views.
3) Empowerment: Everyone has something to offer in developing the community, and everyone has a say in a decision concerning their community.
4) Excellence: we strive to deliver quality services to the community and to exceed our set goals.

OICED Objectives

1) To foster collaborative and developmental relationships between experts and our communities of operation aimed at facilitating development and growth.
2) Facilitate human capacity development of the workforce to support development in our countries of operation.
3) Facilitating the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (goals) agenda for communities and nations.
4) Encouraging community involvement and participation in the development of their community.
5) To be the voice for change and development.
6) To provide emergency relief to victims of crisis either natural or man-made.
7) To provide support for civil society groups dedicated to sustainable development of their communities and nation at large.
8) Carrying out multi-disciplinary research on factors that can help improve the health and wellbeing of the community using these findings to advocate policies that will further enhance the capacity of and resilience of the citizens.

Our Big 4 Goals

Our big 3 goals for this strategic period will be:
1) Facilitating the attainment of the sustainable development goals in communities across nations.
2) Humanitarian interventions in crisis situations.
3) Sustainable peace and development.
4) Supporting the realisation of Africa's agenda 2063