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OICED Principles

Our Principles

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OICED utilities the principle of Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) as one of our key principles in approaching our community engagement and development activities.
Asset-based community development (ABCD) is focused on community's utilizing its own assets and resources as the basis for development; it empowers the people of the community by encouraging them to use what they already possess.
This involves assessing the resources, skills, and experience available in a community and mobilizing members of the community around issues that they are passionate about and determined to act. These actions often lead to sustainable development of communities

Community Assets

a) Local Economy
b) Gifts and talents of the citizens
c) Associations like small community groups
d) Institutions that are non-governmental
e) Governmental Institutions
f) Physical assets like land, buildings etc.

Our Approach

OICED is dedicated to making sure that citizens are the centre of community development. We achieve this by:
a) Gathering stories from the community residents, on how they were able to collectively achieve success in a past community challenges.
b) What is available within the community. Both human and non-human assets. (Community asset mapping)
c) Linking and mobilising the identified community assets, towards meeting the identified need.
d) Citizens of the community leading on community initiatives and utilising the mobilised assets
e) Identifying and mobilising other partners both local and external to support the citizen lead initiatives.
f) Sustainable community lead projects.